Quick Facts About Rural Mutual Rural Mutual is a mutual insurance company based out of Madison, Wisconsin. Founded in 1934, they continue to operate within the state of Wisconsin alone. Rural offers a wide variety of insurance products including automobile, homeowners, farmowners, and commercial insurance coverage. The company manages a network of over one hundred […]
Drunk Driving Accident Attorneys in Minnesota
Minnesota Drunk Driving Accident Attorneys Are Here For You
As a drunk driving accident law firm in Minnesota, Tarshish Cody and attorneys provide representation to individuals injured in collisions with drunk drivers. With strong credentials and experience, Tarshish Cody attorneys assist their clients with navigating the daunting and emotionally draining process of seeking legal representation due to a drunk driving accident. Our lawyers understand the personal injury law system, challenges individuals face when injured by drunk drivers, and the need for strong legal representation to advocate for victims injured by drunk drivers. Fill out the Free Consultation form above or contact our law firm at 612-808-8999.