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Minnesota Radiofrequency Neurotomy (RFN) Attorney
What is Radiofrequency Neurotomy?
Radiofrequency neurotomy (RFN) is a form of treatment that is used to alleviate pain from a facet joint injury that has usually occurred from a car accident. Each vertebral level of the spin has facet joints which are connected to two medial nerves. The nerves transmit signals from the spine to the brain and the rest of the body.
- Using x-ray guidance, a doctor will insert the needle parallel to and against the targeted nerve.
- Heat lesion is created from an intermittent electrical current that is delivered, interrupting the pain signals to the brain. The current is intermittent because it can damage the ganglion (nerve bundle) or surrounding tissue if it is a continuous flow.
- The nerve dies over the next 10-14 days and will hopefully provide the patient with full pain relief within 2-3 weeks.
Potential Complications of Radiofrequency Neurotomy
It is important to understand that radiofrequency neurotomy is a treatment, not a cure for your injury. The treatment is effective for approximately 11 months which means the RFN procedure will need to be repeated multiple times during your life.
Risks and potential complications associated with RFN include:
- numbness at the injection site
- pain at the injection site
- increased facet joint pain caused by muscle spasms
- infection
- permanent nerve damage
If you have been involved in a car accident and are suffering from an facet joint injury that requires treatment of radiofrequency neurotomy, it is important to seek legal advice because you could file a lawsuit against the negligent party or insurance company to help pay for current and future procedures.
Contact Tarshish Cody PLC, Minnesota’s premier personal injury law firm, to speak to one of our experienced spinal injury attorneys to learn more about how we can help. We welcome your call on 612-808-8999 (or fill out the free Case Evaluation Form) today.
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