Quick Facts About Rural Mutual Rural Mutual is a mutual insurance company based out of Madison, Wisconsin. Founded in 1934, they continue to operate within the state of Wisconsin alone. Rural offers a wide variety of insurance products including automobile, homeowners, farmowners, and commercial insurance coverage. The company manages a network of over one hundred […]
Minnesota Minnesota Wrongful Death Damages Attorney

When evaluating a wrongful death claim, the deceased will be assessed in regard to his or her:
- occupation
- health, age, habits, talent and success
- past contributions
- life expectancy at the time of death
- future earning potential and considerations of advancement
Other areas that will also be evaluated include:
- spouse and children’s personal living expenses
- legal obligation to support spouse and next of kin
- all medical costs incurred as a result of the death
- all funeral and burial costs
- advice, comfort and assistance the deceased would have given
Minnesota’s wrongful death laws are complex so it is important that you seek legal counsel from an experienced wrongful death attorney immediately. Our attorneys at Tarshish Cody have the experience and track-record to recover the best compensation for our clients. We welcome your call today on 612-808-8999 (or fill out the free Case Evaluation Form) to discuss your case.
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